Monday, September 20, 2010

Got the green light, kinda.

Today was my 6 week postpartum visit to get the all clear on various things. The one I was most anxious to hear about was exercise. I had a c section on 8/9/10, after I registered to race in the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon race at the end of February. I've named this blog in honor of a shirt that my sister and I saw when we were racing the 5K at Disneyland last year. It said Princess in Training and had running shoes with a crown on it.

Anyway, I have the clear to start physical activity, slowly. I explained about my goal to run in this race (yes, run. I'll have to keep a 16 minute/mile pace - not too bad, but I hate running!) and she said to start with walking first and that I should wait about another 6 weeks before I really start pushing myself.

I'll be honest. That does concern me as that puts me running in early November. I do however have a book that has a 20 week training guide for a half marathon. One version starts off with a walk and run combo, the other is just walking. There is a just walking version for the first 10 weeks. Hopefully I can do this walking and gradually build up the pace over the course of these next 6 weeks that way come November, I can make an easy transition to running.

I was on a board for runners, those that actually enjoy running. I looked at a post about mom's post c section and how soon they got back into running. Some got back in after 2-4 weeks. Those that did though, almost all talked about their incision splitting open. I asked about that with mine and I didn't quite get an answer. I want to assume that if I have the go ahead for everything post delivery that my incision would be good, but, how do I know for sure?!

Anyway, I want to use this blog to capture my thoughts as I train for this race and for future triathlons (because that's really what I like) along with journaling my training sessions and how I feel after all is said and done. And, I'm sure, on occasion, I'll be looking for some motivation and reassurance from people.

1 comment:

  1. glad you got the clear to start execercising! Maybe you can power walk by the end of the 6 weeks so that when you start jogging it won't be so bad! Proud of you sweetie!
